Time passed and Jeanine stopped weeping. She looked at Anja’s blue eyes and then at Mindy. Mindy said softly, “I think you understand now?” Jeanine nodded her head, yes. She turned to Anja, “ You weren’t crying because you were *****, were you?” Anja said softly, “No, I wasn’t.” Jeanine spoke, “You were crying because….because you don’t want to love the Colonel but you can’t help it. You hate him and you love me, but you can’t help it, you DO love him! You love him with every fiber of your heart! I know that now Anja, my love. I hate that man, he ***** both of us but my heart is beating only for him and only for him! I don’t understand it but it’s true. I love you so much. Anja, my love, but I have to have Colonel Palmer’s cum inside of me again!”

Anja burst out in tears, “ I DO love you, but you understand now. When the Colonel fucks s bitch it’s not like any other man. I came SO hard! I have to be with him! I don’t want to, but I have to. I desperately want him to buy me. I want to be his fuck slave, have his children. If he wants to hurt me or kill me, that's his right. I want him to own me like a slave. I want my pussy to be open to him all the time and any time. It's his possession.”

Anja and Jeanine hugged for a long time. The two naked women loved each other but they knew they couldn’t be together. Jeanine held the beautiful blonde’s face in her hands and they cried together. They kissed each other’s sweet lips and Anja moved to Jeanine’s breasts and she kissed her nipples. Jeanine’s body was still on fire from fucking Colonel Palmer. Now the touch of this beautiful woman drove her to new delights.

They made love there in their bedroom in front of Mindy. Anja gave Jeanine a giant orgasm with her mouth and Anja returned the favor, orgasm for orgasm.
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They lay in each other’s arms after they each had cum so sweetly. They kissed softly, both of them realizing that Colonel Palmer was going to take Anja away from this house. She was now his rightful property. Mindy sat at the edge of the bed. She was still dressed but her sundress was up around her waist and her panties were around her ankles.

“Did you make yourself cum watching us make love?” Jeanine asked her. Mindy said nothing but nodded yes. There was a single tear rolling down her face. She nodded again and burst into tears.

Anja and Jeanine just watched her cry for a few minutes. Mindy composed herself and spoke softly, “it was so beautiful, the way you two touched each other. I cried in sadness that you will soon be separated.”

Anja wept again and Jeanine said “Can’t we stop this?”

Mindy looked at the two beautiful white naked girls with sadness, “No, you really are slaves. It’s not just an expression, these Black Men in Nigeria own white women. They will fuck you and own you completely or you face really terrible consequences.” Mindy pointed at Anja, “The Colonel takes possession of your body after lunch. You will go to his home and live there as his fuck slave with other white bitches. The Colonel does not allow his white bitches to make love with any other men besides him. If he catches you with another man, my dear, I have to tell you, he will be able to kill you without any consequences. No one from your country will come to investigate your murder. You will be buried in a field without a trace. I’m being very serious. The Colonel is an amazing lover but he is cruel beyond our comprehension. DO NOT break any of his rules!.”

Jeanine was stunned by the threat of the Colonel being able to murder a white woman with impunity but Anja clearly wasn’t. She nodded to Mindy and said, “I know my situation. I’ve been in Nigeria for two years. I understand I am a slave.”

But Jeanine wasn’t buying any of this “Wait…c’mon now…I’ll go to the Ambassador. I’ll get this nonsense sorted out!” but Anja and Mindy were silent. “The General IS the law, honey” Mindy said softly. "You are as much a slave here as the black slaves in the old south. No real difference.”

Jeanine just stared at her. “There is no way out of this for her” Mindy said, pointing at Anja. “She is a fuck bitch and a slave until Palmer releases her or murders her, that’s that.”

Jeanine looked over at Anja but she was smiling. “The Colonel told me last night he was going to buy me." Anja said. "He told me he wants to give me babies.” Anja smiled broader, “I think I would love having a Black Man’s children. I’m ok with all of this, my love.”

Mindy cut in, “But it’s different for you, my dear.” Pointing at Jeanine. “I think you have a bright future here in Nigeria. I’ll tell you why and then I want to make love with both of you.” Jeanine was surprised by her straightforwardness. She wasn’t asking them to make love with her, she was telling them. She was the Ambassador's wife and the General's main white bitch. She had authority.

She stood and removed her clothing. She was probably in her middle 40s but her body was sexy and remarkably fit.

She sat down in the bed stark naked “Ok, Jeanine here’s my thoughts. You don’t know this, almost no one does, but in six months, my legal husband, the white male Ambassador from the United States will leave his post here. He is being transferred back to Washington and will become an Undersecretary. It is a major career advancement and he is fortunate to get this promotion. I will, of course, go with him.

I have six months left here in Nigeria. In five months, my husband’s replacement as US Ambassador will arrive in Lagos. His name is name is Digby Whittaker. He is 42 years old, very smart, handsome, Harvard educated, experienced in African affairs, well connected, comes from a wealthy ****** and white as milk. He’s also as gay as you get. And that’s the problem. To this day, the US State Department doesn’t like gay men in senior positions. The State Department is afraid it leaves them open to blackmail and extortion.

“So about ten years ago, Digby Whittaker got married to hide that he’s a faggot. But there was a complication. Evidently, the new Mrs. Whittaker actually wanted a sex life with this miserable excuse for a man and when Digby didn’t have sex with her, she divorced his Harvard educated ass. Yup. And in open court, she told the whole world that her husband sucked this guy’s dick and that guy’s dick and it was a MESS.

“It hurt poor old Digby’s career but because he denied it, the Secretary is giving him a second chance here in Nigeria. But he NEEDS a wife. And a pretty wife would be a big help. And……a pretty wife who is also smart and well-educated and who DOES NOT want a sex life from poor old gay cocksucking Digby with you be the best of all possibilities.”

Mindy cleared her throat and laughed, “You’re with me so far?” Jeanine, still naked with her lover Anja nodded yes.

Mindy pointed at Jeanine, “ Then you show up here in Nigeria and I realize that you're the answer to this whole problem. Miss perfect looking, big tits, sexy ass redhead with the bedroom eyes and the high heels. You have everything. You’re gorgeous and successful and well-educated and unless I’m very wrong,” she paused, “ you don’t have much interest in a sex life with a 42 year old white gay man.”

Jeanine felt slightly sick at the thought. She shook her head, “Uhm, no. No thanks.”

Mindy smiled, “That's what I thought. I actually took the liberty of calling our faggot boy Digby and I told him about you. I didn’t let on that I know he sucks dicks but I did tell him that I knew he’s divorced and maybe he wants to meet a nice girl in Nigeria? He was VERY interested in meeting you”
Jeanine was confused, “Wait, what are you saying? I should be his friend?”

"No dear” Mindy smiled, “You should be nice to our faggot boy Digby and give everyone the impression that the two of you are having an torrid affair. It’s the perfect cover for him. A super hot redhead gives him sex? He gets to look like a straight man. He will be super grateful to you for doing it and he WILL marry you.

"At that point, you become Madam Ambassador. And honey, I can tell you from experience, it is a very nice position to be in.

“Your future husband, Digby faggot-boy cocksucker white boy Whittaker has his little boy toys and you get to live here with the General as his wife. I’m legally married to that idiot Ambassador but I’ve never been his real wife. Ever. On the other hand, I’ve been a Black Man’s wife for years and I love it.

"After a few months, you tell your white hubby to jerk off into a turkey baster. Then you shoot the faggot’s sperm inside of you. You do that until you have a baby. You will love your white baby, you can’t help it. I have two white sons from a turkey baster and I adore them. I also have two Black sons from the General and I adore them too. White or Black, having children is beautiful.

“You will live here as the General’s wife and main bitch. You will be in my position. You will not be the General's slave and he won’t be able to do anything to you because you’ll be the US Ambassador’s wife. The General has no respect for white males but he’s terrified of the US military. Everyone is. There are some lines that he can’t cross. Hurting the Ambassador’s wife is one of them.

Mindy was staring at Jeanine intently, “You could be me! No worries, no cares, huge benefits, amazing sex with big dicked Niggers and more. All you have to do is wait for Mr. Ambassador faggot to ask you to marry him. And he WILL ask you if you’re simply nice to him and make no moves towards sex. He doesn’t want you to. He doesn’t have any interest in fucking you.

Jeanette was surprised to say the least. Mindy said “Just think about it.” The General fucks me every night. He’s the sexiest man I know and in reality, he’s my husband. I don’t mind that he has his bitches. I love his bitches! And the General has no problem if I fuck as many Niggers as I want to! I’ll bet he’s probably banging that Belgian bitch with the little chest right now! He’s got a real thing for her.”

Jeanine remembered the blonde bitch that was sucking the General’s Black Cock at the lake house.

“And you love this little German bitch, don't you? I mean you really love her?” Jeanine nodded enthusiastically. “Well,” Mindy continued, “If you’re the Ambassador’s wife, you can put pressure on the General to get her back from the Colonel. The General will have to listen to you. You can have your German bitch and you can have power and lots of Nigger Cock! Does that sound good?”

Jeanine laughed softly, “Yes, it does.” Mindy nodded, “Then just follow my lead. You’re powerless to do anything about the Colonel buying the German bitch today. She’s his white bitch now. But a year from now, you’ll be Madam Ambassador and it’s all very different. You can marry her in a private ceremony. No one needs to know. She'll probably be pregnant by then but you can bring up the baby together."

Mindy looked at her and said, "Think about it, honey. It could easily work out exactly like I am saying it will. Now you and your German bitch friend lie back on the bed and I’m going to lick those delicious cum-filled cunts.”

Jeanine did as she was told by the powerful female. Anja also lay back. Mindy put her tongue onto Jeanine's sperm filled cunt and proceeded to eat her pussy for about fifteen minutes. It was an intense experience because Mindy obvious knew how to eat pussy! With her hand, she pleasured Anja, finger fucking her and shoving two fingers in her cunt and then another two up her asshole. Both of the younger white bitches were moaning and writhing on the bed as the older white bitch was close to making them cum.

Then Mindy sat on Jeanine's face and made Jeanine lick her cunt. She and Anja kissed passionately and then Mindy switched and sat on Anja's face. The three women all came and their pussies were wet like water and they were totally into each other.

At one point, Anja asked Mindy if Colonel Palmer had ever fucked her. "Oh yes, baby!" the Ambassador's wife said softly, "My GOD, that man can fuck. I came like she did." pointing to Jeanine. "My face got purple and my arms were waving around. Honestly, he's fucked me a few times and every time I lose control and cum like with no other man, not even the General, and I love the General. I mean capital L love him. And still no one can fuck me like the Colonel. A lot of the bitches say it. He's the best lover they've ever had."
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She looked at Anja, "You're going to have an amazing sex life. He fucks better than any man alive and he loves to fuck a lot. He usually has about five or six white bitches in his home and from what I have heard, he fucks them pretty much every day, except when he's here." Mindy looked at Jeanine, "He comes here one night a week. You can get your Colonel Palmer sperm injection one day a week!"

After they had all cum several times, Mindy left and said lunch was ready. Jeanine and Anja weren't hungry. They were desperately sad that they might never see each other again. The made love again, sweetly and slowly, kissing and touching. It was true love.

At 2 PM, Mindy came back in with the General and Colonel Palmer and several Nigerian soldiers. Jeanine cried and wanted to fight it but the soldiers took Anja, naked, away from her. Two black serving women dressed her in a lovely white skirt with a linen shirt and a lovely white bra underneath. She wore white heels without stockings. The perfect Aryan girl. She was gorgeous.

The soldiers took her out of the room and Colonel Palmer followed them. The General stayed behind a moment and pointed at Jeanine, "Don't embarrass me you white bitch! and then turned and left. Mindy gave her a stern look and then left.

Jeanine waited a moment and then ran out of her room and out of the front door barefoot and naked. She caught up to the limo carrying Anja just as it was pulling away and grabbed the back door, trying to open it. The limo stopped, several of the General's soldiers moved to tackle Jeanine but Colonel Palmer stepped out of the car and signaled them to let her be. “What do you want, white bitch?"

The pale white redhead stood in the middle of the vast driveway leading to the General's mansion. She was stark naked, not even her high heels. The General and Mindy were staring at her. Anja was in the car and the Colonel looked angry. Jeanine spoke up, she was breathless and scared, "Sir, I want you to fuck me one more time." She fell to her knees in the African dirt and begged, "Please, please, please, please, please Black Man. Fuck this white cunt. Please!"

The Colonel looked at the General who shrugged and walked back into the mansion with his white bitch, Mindy. The Colonel said "Get into the car." Jeanine jumped into the car and hugged Anja. The Colonel said something to the driver in their native tongue and the driver pulled the car off to the side of the driveway.

The Colonel slapped Jeanine once, twice and then a third time. They were hard slaps, very hard. He reached and squeezed her nipples on her big white breasts so hard that Jeanine screamed in pain. Then he beat her again, this time over and over, beating her to the floor of the limo and then jammed his Black Cock into her open cunt.

He grabbed her by the neck and squeezed her neck as he fucked her. He reached over to Anja with his other hand and grabbed her roughly and pulled her to the floor. "Strangle this bitch! You love her, I know that. Strangle her and kill her or I will kill you!" and Anja strangled her love, the redheaded American. Anja put her hands around Jeanine's neck and squeezed as hard as she could while the Colonel also strangled her and shoved his fat Black Cock into her pussy roughly over and over.

Anja grunted with the effort of strangling her lover. Jeanine was quickly running out of breath and feeling faint but she was incredibly horny. Her pussy throbbed with the fucking she was getting from this nasty, violent, powerful Black Man. She tried to say "Fuck my bitch cunt, Sir" but no words came out. She was fading, she had no more breath and then suddenly the Colonel backhanded Anja sending her flying onto the limo seats. He doubled down on fucking Jeanine's cunt and yelled abuse at her, "Stupid fucking white bitch cumbucket motherfucker" and he struck her again and again.

Suddenly the orgasm that Jeanine wanted to have was happening to her. She couldn’t breathe because she was cumming so hard. Her body spasmed and she knew that her face was bright purple. There was no part of her body that wasn’t in pain, she really had no idea where she even was. She just knew that she was fucking a Black Man and she wanted him to fuck her forever.

The Colonel sprayed cum into the purple faced white bitch and then stopped fucking her. He pulled Anja very roughly by the hair and shoved her face into Jeanine's cunt and ordered her to clean up his sperm from Jeanine, which she did, very lovingly.

A few minutes later, the Colonel instructed the driver to open the back door and the Colonel put his booted foot into Jeanine’s exhausted lily white body and kicked her the fuck out of the car. She has been fucked incredibly hard, she had the Colonel’s cum inside of her cunt, he had beaten her and strangled her and spit in her. He had called her horrible names and she had wanted to thank him for it. She had another body wracking orgasm with him. She lay in the dust next to the driveway in Nigeria. She was completely naked, sperm flowing from her cunt, blood probably flowing from her nose and cheek where the Colonel had beaten her. She lay there and the Colonel stepped out of the limo, his pants around his ankles, his Black Cock still hard and gorgeous. He had Anja’s blonde hair in his hand as he dragged her out of the car. She didn’t try to stand, she just let him drag her white body.
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The Colonel looked down at Jeanine, naked and terrified but unbearably horny and he spit on her. He then turned to Anja, “Hold my Black Cock, you stupid white bitch!” When Anja had grasped him, he stood for a moment and said to Anja again, “Point my NIGGER Cock at her face!” and Anja obeyed.

A moment later, a thick stream of bright yellow urine flowed into Jeanine’s face and breasts. Jeanine opened her mouth to drink it but most of it splashed on her face. She wanted his piss in her belly.

The Colonel moved Anja’s hand so that the pee stream splashed over all of Jeanine’s body. Jeanine hiked her hips up and exposed her sperm-filled cunt so that the Colonel’s urine went inside of her. She smiled up at him, mouthing “I love you, I love you” silently.

The Colonel’s piss stopped flowing. Jeanine was unhappy. The Colonel grabbed Anja by the hair again and said, “Pull up your skirt worthless bitch! Put your cunt over the redhead’s mouth and piss into her mouth!”

And Anja did as she was told by her Black owner. She hiked up her skirt and positioned her pussy just an inch above Jeanine’s open mouth and urinated. The blonde bitch’s pee flowed gently and steadily into the redheaded white bitch’s mouth. The redheaded American slut drank it gratefully, lying in the African dirt, humiliated and beaten. She had been treated worse than a dog and her body was on fire. She wanted the entire nation of Nigeria to fuck her, men and women, Black Cocks and Black vaginas, fucking her, pissing on her, beating her, abusing her, cumming in her cunt and mouth and asshole.

Jeanine writhed in the dirt, humiliated and horny, cumming, her face purple with lust. She couldn’t breathe and she couldn’t think. She just wanted Colonel Palmer to keep his fat, Black Cock inside of her 24 hours a day. She orgasmed over and over lying in the dirt, crying and wailing, calling out for the Colonel, her hands on her nipples, squeezing and abusing herself, then both hands in her cunt, masturbating, alone and dirty in the African sun, cumming and cumming and crying and cumming and crying.

It felt wonderful and awful at the same time. Jeanine was covered in cum and urine and spit and dirt. The feeling of longing, the desperate longing for Colonel Palmer to fuck her again was delicious and unbearable all at the same time.

She lay in the African dust with African semen in her cunt and African piss and spit all over her. She just wanted to be a white bitch, redheaded fuck pig for Niggers. Her hands were buried in her cunt, masturbating furiously.

But slowly the purple faced cum subsided and she found herself in the bright Nigerian sun, dazed and filthy, covered in the Colonel’s bodily fluids. She tried to sit up and realized the Canadian Linda was holding her, covering her naked white body with a blanket. There was piss all over the ground. The limo was gone, the Colonel had fucked Jeanine and pissed on her and made Jeanine’s lover Anja piss on her and then had just driven away. She didn’t know how long she had lain in her own filth and dirt. She felt wetness on her lower body. She thought she might have pissed herself.

Linda was stroking her hair and saying it was going to be all right. There were two other white women there too. One was Anna, the Ukrainian with big tits and Marika, who was tall and busty and brunette.

They gently raised Jeanine to her feet and led her barefoot into the big house. The soldiers guarding the front door laughed when the women walked by and said something in their native tongue. None of the white women reacted.

They got her up to her room on the second floor and Linda took her into the shower and washed Jeanine off. Jeanine saw dirt and filth going down the drain, she was a mess. Linda washed her hair and combed it. Marika brought her a pretty nightgown and she put it in and lay in bed, Linda sitting by her side.
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Jeanine was trembling, shaking with lust. She didn’t want to tell Linda but she didn’t want to be in the bed alone, she desperately wanted Colonel Palmer to fuck her and if he wasn’t there, any hung Black Man would do. She needed to be Black fucked, but she was ashamed to say it out loud. She was just a slut, all the white bitches in this house were sluts for Black Cock. It was more than horniness, it was the most desperate need she had ever felt in her life multiplied by a million.

Linda comforted her and talked to her but Jeanine couldn’t respond. The other women, Anna and Marika tried but she just wanted Colonel Palmer. Mindy came into the room and spoke softly to her. She was surrounded by a four beautiful white women saying nice things to her but she couldn’t respond. The General came in and yelled at her but even that didn’t work. She knew these people were there but she just wanted Colonel Palmer to Black fuck her cunt

The women stayed with her for hours. Jeanine was trembling and shaking, making nonsense syllables. She could think but she couldn’t speak.

Later, when evening was done and it was nighttime, the General returned. All the white women were still there trying to nurse her. Mindy looked at the General and asked him what f he remembered an Irish redheaded bitch he had owned three years prior. The General didn’t remember her. Mindy said “You told me she had the tightest ass in the world. You said she made you cum in seconds.” The General still didn’t recall owning an Irish white bitch. “Well,” Mindy continued, “ You did own her and I. recall that she reacted exactly like this the first time the Colonel fucked her too. And then there was Tienneke, the redheaded Belgian? You remember her, don’t you?” The last part sounded sarcastic from Mindy. “I almost left you because of her, remember?” The General laughed, “Yes, I remember Tienneke!”

Mindy didn’t smile, “You stopped fucking me and every other bitch here when Tienneke showed up. I made you sell her!” The General laughed, “I did enjoy that pussy!”

Mindy wasn’t amused but she continued, “She turned purple when the Colonel assfucked her once and she also collapsed like this. Three redheads, three bitches that turn purple and have the strongest cums I've ever seen." Mindy shook her head, "Honestly honey, I think the Colonel has to stop fucking redheads!”

The General grunted, “So did they get better?” Mindy smiled, “Yes, we found a cure, you don’t remember what we did?” The General shook his head no. “It turned out they were just horny as hell and needed to fuck, fuck and fuck some more. It worked perfectly.” Mindy said. “We brought in about 20 Black Men and fucked the two redheaded bitches around the clock. After about 18 hours of bitch fucking, they were fine.”

The General nodded and went outside to gather some troops. It was going to be a long night.